
Is there a third candidate for this election?

#iPerspective #BlurImage of #OriginalImage #Image #Optimization #Aerobics #Breasts #Stare #Scare #Health #Blur...


#MarkTwain #Truth #Communication #Method #Mark #Twain #Words #Relation #Relationship #Surrounding #Environment #gif...

This video is to show how fast rumo(u)rs spread now compared to the past.

IPerspective: Practice, Perfection, Natural Jumper & Osho

Choice of words/actions, Surroundings, and Sender/Receiver relationship are equally important in conveying the truth...

If this were to be completely true, Asian men, in general, and more specifically Chinese, Japanese men life...


They are in the Congress, one of them for decades, making $174000 (officially) or more. Who is smarter?

That is why you have to think before answering - right?

More than birthplace, environment is more important for our perception, in general, and also for our visual...

How do you know which one you can change? You don't want to wrongly let go of things that you can change, right?

Going by Maslow's hierarchy of needs, in order to reach that level, you might have to cross certain barriers.

Is Apophenia conjuring sense from nonsense?

#HappySunday #SundayFeelings #Sunday



Who has credibility in the Congress?

This data needs to be verified.

What is this hacking?

What do you think about these two mother's love pictures? Something to think, right

Knowing when to shut up and open up, and to what extent comes with experience and wisdom

A mind that is better prepared for diverse situations would be more at peace; Whereas, a mind that is focusing...

This article says familiar face draws attraction, whereas there is a saying, "Familiarity breeds contempt".

I guess, that is why divorce rates are increasing at a fast rate as well.

iPerspective now available in Wayback Machine

Content and Happy family, it is even better.

How to retain historical data/work? Here is one option

How to retain historical data/work? Here is one option

I guess you know everyone of them - their names, their background, etc.

California recently announced deficit forecast by next summer. This info needs to be verified.

I guess someone who is older in age, and younger at heart would know both the rules and the exceptions.

As stated earlier, genetics is certainly a factor, but ADHD, Autism and other mental disorders are influenced by...

Same product, and two different product descriptions - By the way, one description mentions that this spinner can...

But, certainly learn from the past.

Stress is a major issue across various careers not limited to physicians.



Witzelsucht or Really Punny - How do we know? It depends on frequency, timing, audience to name a few variables.

EAST-WEST & REFERENTIAL FRAME- #HappyWeek #Monday #HappyMonday #VAL-U-PRO #SrikanthSrinivasanKidambi #Consulting...

Interesting thought, but not completely true.

This proverb will further enhance with additional specifics

Women too

Need not be.

What would have my father said? New section coming soon

#Knowledge #Wisdom #Information #Data #Intelligence #Einstein #SrikanthSrinivasanKidambi

#Ocean #Learn #Knowledge #Wisdom #Intelligence #VAL-U-PRO #humility

#igif #einstein #gif #wisdom #knowledge #intelligence

#Ego #Knowledge #Wisdom #Intelligence

That is not completely true.

In order to answer this question, we need to ask a fundamental question, what intelligence really means?

Does it mean then that ~83% (~5.

A true leader leading from the front or a "scapehen" rather than a boss

And/Or, they have a better understanding of how the world really works, and becomes selective about when to speak,...

What will be your strategy to cut down on this divorce rate?

Or, may be, (s)he could not take off her/his eyes from you :-)

Healthy relationship is about understanding each other, and working out differences.