Life is certainly a journey, but this journey is path dependent, and is defined by our vision and goals.
Life is certainly a journey, but this journey is path dependent, and is defined by our vision and goals. For this journey to be interesting, and uplifting, there needs to be a right set of motivation to drive us through.
By the way, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and is not absolute. Hence, don't fall for illusions that might look beautiful at that point in time.
For example, there is a story that Leonardo da Vinci waited for sometime to find a right model for Judas, and ended up utilizing the same model as the one that he selected for Jesus in "THE LAST SUPPER" painting. Though this story is supposedly more of a myth, the point here being that the path we select can transform individuals, and hence, picking the right path is essential.
Originally shared by sahi nur
If the path be beautiful, let us not ask where it leads.....
Anatole France
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