
True vs. Truth

Need not be always.

It is better to be late than never - In this case;

#KimHyunJoong #Born #Happy

Hopefully, for not too long.

#iPerspective - When there is a 4x100 relay, you have to contribute; Whereas, when there is a 100m dash or marathon...

Need not be a candle.

In this 21st century where values are changing, it is not necessary to be a candle to light up.


Think Positive !!!

Tattoo is not a complete reflection of a person.

#iPerspective - #Tomato #Fruit #Salad

#iPerspective #Val-U-Pro #Amma #AAAA #Ecosystem #MegaEcosystem #Consulting #Group #llc #SSK #Srikanth #Sri #Kanth...


#iPerspective #Val-U-Pro #Amma #AAAA #Ecosystem #MegaEcosystem #Consulting #Group #llc #SSK #Srikanth #Sri #Kanth...

As much as possible, keep yourself mentally and physically active, then there would not be much time for other...

This was something that I had shared couple of years back in the AuraExchange section.

It would be wiser not to wait that long.


#Pain #Tolerance #Laugh

Need not be the most pain; Instead, the person with more laughter has figured out to manage pain better through...

Upbringing is an essential part of love, which means love can be taught, and the environment plays an important role...

"Tough people outwit tough times, and/or take it part of the learning cycle"

#val-u-pro #amma #aaaa #ammaecosystem #aaaamegaecosystem #journey #competition #healthy #South #pole #southpole...

Life is certainly a journey, but human growth over time has been connected to competition.

Not always - also, curious, open mind does seek out for valuable life lessons

This is why I had briefly mentioned in the media site, srikanthkidambi.

Have a great Wednesday !!!

#Tuesday Perspective reiterated

As long as the man knows that he is holding hands with the right woman, and vice versa.

#Keepitsimple - As Confucius said, "Life is simple, but we try our best to make it difficult."

This is why many marriages or relationships get broken - Having farfetched expectations.

Cognitive Dissonance - What is it?


As we progress in life, our priorities change, and our experiential wisdom should help us in optimizing our...

#Reliable friends #Trustworthy Peers #Noteworthy books

Whether we win or not, we can easily move on to the next difficult situation.


Need not be. Unscrupulous, insecure powermongers will be at the top of the dishonesty list irrespective of age.