School Dropouts and Prison

School Dropouts and Prison

Do you know?

There is a strong positive association between school dropouts and imprisonment (as much as 70% in some parts of the world).

I guess going by the argument presented below, lack of patience to face and grow in that structured environment in school, and to learn nuances of social behavior in such an environment results in disorderliness in life later on increasing the odds of going to prison.

Does it mean that we need to agree with everything in school?

Obviously no. But, building our ability to express in a way that other side would think and consider is the best way to address the differences, both at school and in the real world.

How about the quality of schools?
Obviously, we need better schools that make students to think. This point of view can be supported by data out there showing the need for improvement in the current state of schools, and also the quality of education offered.

We have shared PISA rankings, which is certainly one way to determine students' performance. But, there is more to education than PISA rankings.

How about all "educated" criminals (caught and uncaught) with some even becoming top leader of countries?

IT IS A GREAT QUESTION. That is why we keep on saying that it is the "right" education that matters.

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Originally shared by Rummana Farooqui