I think it depends on the time span, and topic of focus.

I think it depends on the time span, and topic of focus.

For example, there were times during the course of history of planet Earth which through science is estimated to be around 4.5 billion years, and since the rise of modern humans that now is estimated to be around 200000 years (subject to change), when there were instances of human race worried about the future of this planet, and we have crossed all those barriers.

Even in the recent times, according to Malthusian theory presented by Malthus around 1798, our population was estimated to increase at a geometric rate, while food production was expected to grow in an arithmetic rate, and we have successfully navigated 200+ years.

This is not to imply things can't go wrong, but our past provides us hope and confidence to prevent or navigate such rare events.

One more award to the list - Engineering Award - there are times when I impress myself.

Please complete this Malthusian Poll on Population:

Originally shared by Kam-Yung Soh

If you're reading this, it means Murphy's Law didn't erase it. :-) "If our information is not wrong, Thursday, January 11, 2018 is the 100th birthday of Edward A. Murphy, Jr., the Murphy of Murphy’s Law.

Murphy [pictured here] was posthumously awarded an Ig Nobel Prize, shared with two colleagues. The 2003 Ig Nobel Prize for engineering was awarded to:

The late John Paul Stapp, the late Edward A. Murphy, Jr., and George Nichols, for jointly giving birth in 1949 to Murphy’s Law, the basic engineering principle that “If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, someone will do it” (or, in other words: “If anything can go wrong, it will”).

WHO ATTENDED THE IG NOBEL CEREMONY [VIDEO]: (1) Author Nick T. Spark , on behalf of John Paul Stapp’s widow, Lilly. (2) Edward Murphy’s Edward A. Murphy III, on behalf of his late father. (3) George Nichols, via audio tape."