We are overstretching the role of genes/genetics for everything.

We are overstretching the role of genes/genetics for everything. Genes are certainly important, but environment is equally important, if not more. For example, in the example on Europeans mentioned in the article, it is the local culture and resource availability that defines to a larger extent on the diet rather than the genes. The local culture, in turn, is determined by the environment of various types. An individual of Asian descent based in Europe will gradually blend into the local environment, which along with the proportion of diversity will influence local culture and eating habits.

Concluding remarks: Environment is equally important, if not more in determining various aspects of human life.

Originally shared by Neuroscience News

Could Genetics Influence What We Like to Eat?

Understanding the roles of genes in eating behaviors and food preferences could lead to personalized diets that are easier to follow.

The study will be presented at the Experimental Biology 2017 conference in Chicago between April 22 - 26.